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    Name: Mrs. K. Lancaster
    Room Number(s): 107
    Subject(s): Community Work Experience Teacher at Washington University
    Building Phone: 314-481-4095
    Contact me by Email or Cell Phone:  
    The 2024/2025 School Year starts on Monday, August 19!  Looking forward to seeing everyone then!  
    Teacher Message:   
         Change is always occurring! Accept each others individual uniqueness, be flexible, take each day one day at a time, and go with the flow of things.  Remember to Live, Learn, Love and Laugh every day!!!
         This is my 24th year of teaching "Special Education" in the St. Louis Public School District.  I have been teaching at Nottingham CAJT High School for 17 years now.  I "Love" my job, my students, and what I do!!!  I earned a Bachelor's Degree in Speech Pathology & Audiology at SIU-E.  I earned a Master's Degree in Cross-Categorical Special Education K-12 & Reading Certification at Fontbonne University.  I earned a Second Master's Degree in Education with an Emphasis in Character Education at Lindenwood University.  In May 2020, I earned a Third Master's Degree in Education with an Emphasis in Higher Education.  
    Philosophy of Education:  
         I believe very strongly that schools and teachers exist for two equally important reasons.  The first is to help our students to increase their knowledge and to teach them the tools and skills they will need to function in the real world.  The second is to help them develop good character and become good citizens.  I will be doing all that I can to help my students develop good attitudes, be respectful, work hard, and be honest.  I believe these are four of the main ingredients of good character.