

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Diane Horton

Ms. Horton began her teaching career at St. Louis Public Schools.  She has taught at Jackson Elementary, Patrick Henry Elementary, Dewey International Studiesand Bryan Hill Elementary. While teaching at Bryan Hill she completed her Masters in Special  Education and a Reading Specialist Certification.  Ms. Horton is currently teaching grades K-2 at ETS@Madison.  She has enjoys teaching and find it extremely rewarding and how she impacts young minds and the many relationships that have been formed by working with students and their parents. 

Ms. Horton has numerous activities that she enjoys.  Spending time with the family, friends and shopping are her favorites She also enjoys traveling, playing pin ball machines, playing  darts and walking.  She has a Shih Tzu Maltese named Scotty that also likes to go on walks with her.   


Classroom Schedule:Time/Subject

8:00-8:30  Breakfast

8:30-11:15 ELA

11:15-11:45  Lunch

11:45-12:15  Recess

12:15-1:15  Math

1:15-1:45  Social Studies

1:45-2:10  Science

2:10-3:00  Related Arts



Office Hours: 2:10-3:00
