

Degrees and Certifications:

Welcome Back Eagles!

Welcome to Ms. Walker's Music Class!

Dear Students,

I hope this letter finds you excited and ready for an amazing year of music! My name is Ms. Walker, and I am thrilled to be your music teacher this year. I can't wait to meet each of you and embark on a wonderful musical journey together.

In our music class, we'll explore various aspects of music, including singing, playing instruments, reading music, and learning about different musical styles and cultures. Whether you're a beginner or have some musical experience, there's a place for everyone in our class.

Here's what you can expect in our music room:

  1. A fun and supportive environment where everyone's efforts are valued
  2. Opportunities to learn new songs and play exciting instruments
  3. Group activities that will help us make music together
  4. Interesting facts about music history and famous composers
  5. Chances to express your creativity through music and performances

Remember to bring your enthusiasm and willingness to try new things. Don't worry if you think you're not "musical" – everyone has the ability to make and enjoy music!

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Always be respectful of others and our instruments
  • Come to class ready to participate and learn
  • Feel free to ask questions – there's no such thing as a silly question in music!

I'm looking forward to a harmonious year filled with melodies, rhythms, and musical discoveries. Together, we'll create beautiful music and lasting memories.

See you soon in the music room!

Musically yours,

Ms. Walker