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    Name: Cynthia O. Jowers
    Email: Cynthia.Jowers @slps.org
    Room Number(s): 002
    Subject(s): Early Childhood Education
    Building Phone: (314) 533-2750
    My name is Ms. Jowers.
    I have been employed with the District since 1995.
    My current position is Preschool Co-Teacher in the Eary Childhood Program at Columbia.
    I have a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work with an emphasis in Families and Children . I have worked for the Division of Family Services as a Caseworker and the Human Development Corporation's Headstart  Program as a Family Service Worker. Although my formal  background is not in education,  Social Work can play an important role in helping families  thus helping children.
    I came from a family and community of educators.
    As a child, I played" school "and I had" students".   The school staff at my school  were the best .
    They would greet me each morning  the bus drivers , cafeteria workers,  the teachers and even the principals.  They knew my name and I knew theirs. It was a family.  I enjoyed my school life. Even on those days when things seemed difficult, there was always some one who listened. I mattered and I felt it.  My mother and grandmother were both educators and I witnessed firsthand the dedication ,love and the extras they put in to the lives of their students.  I  am indeed blessed   to be working with Columbia's   youngest citizens.  Each one brings their own "story".  They are reluctant at first.  That's to be expected.  When they feel safe and secure they will let  you into "their world".  They have enriched my life and I do my best to do the same.
    In this life you will have challenges,
    There are lessons for all of us to be learned, sometimes daily.This I know, It is up to us as adults, parents and  educators in partnershipto educate our children . We are more powerful together. So we need to give our children the love ,attention,opportunities ,resources and support  they need so they  can know and feel that they matter