Virtual Learning Norms and Netiquette

Virtual Learning Activities
  • 1.  Be Respectful

    •       Remember that your classmates and teachers are real people.  Think before you type and speak.  Keep in mind the feelings and opinions of others, even if they are  different from your own.  

    2.  Courtesy Counts

    •  You all show great courtesy in the classroom, being respectful and saying please and thank you.  Remember to do this online too - it helps to create a welcoming virtual learning environment.

    3.  Be Responsible

    •  You have homework assignments and class activities you are supposed to do to earn credit in the classroom.  Please complete these and turn them in when you are done.  

    4. Dress Code

    •   You do not have wear a school uniform when learning from home but the expectation is that you are wearing clothes.  This includes shirts and pants.  Please and Thank you.  

    5.  Language

    • Remind everyone in your learning place that you are there to learn.  It is very important that your guest are quiet and also using respectful language with others.  

    6.  Parental Assistance

    • Especially in Pre-K you will need help that I cannot not be there with you to show you how to do things.  If you need help I will work with you and your parents to make sure that you are the person learning and parents and older brothers and sisters aren't doing the work for you.  I want you to do your best to be successful in Pre-K.  The skills you are learning you may not grasp until you are ready to go to the Kindergarten classroom.  I just need you to try your best.