Welcome Back to Music 2021-2022

  •                                                              Welcome back to MUSIC


    Hello Families,

     Welcome back to music.  I'm excited about this new year of learning. Not only will the children meet new challenges, but I too will have new challenges. We will learn together and have fun doing it. Music is such a great tool in life, to help you through many situations.  

    This year, we will introduce a new standard-based grading scale. This new program is proven to enhance our students to excel in all of their subjects! 

    As we prepare for this school year I would like to add some wonderful musical experiences to help expand our students in their musical growth. Relax and breathe we will march through this adjustment. Right, Left, Right, Left.

    I am Ms. Janice M. Moorehead your Music Teacher at Wilkinson E.C.C.  


    Hello children welcome to Music 2021-2022

Last Modified on August 14, 2024