

Degrees and Certifications:

Julie Asher



Contact Me 


Phone: (314) 645-1202

Room: 212

Office hours: TBD

A Little About Me 

I love learning about the world around me. I especially love learning about astronomy, horticulture, and psychology. Some of my favorite scientist to learn from include Neil deGrasse Tyson, Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Abraham Maslow, and Carl Jung. My fascination with space is accompanied by my love for the earth and a strong appreciation for all life we share it with. I value the interconnectedness of it all.

I have a beautiful son, Jaxon, who is in 3rd grade at Mason here in SLPS. Jax, his father Josh and I love to spend time together being in nature. We love having picnics, going on hikes, and traveling. I really enjoy being in the mountains and forest. Some of my favorite places are Colorado, Washington, and Arizona. 

I am currently working on earning my masters in educational psychology in order to enhance my current career in early childhood education. My purpose for pursuing this versatile degree has been generated by my students. Learning about the human mind, its functions, and emotional factors fascinates me. In my profession, I help children make sense of the world around them. Understanding the scientific factors that go into how one makes sense of the world around them is intriguing. Furthering my education in this area will not only help  continue to fill my void of wanting to know more, but will better equip me with the knowledge and ability to meet the needs of the children that I work with. I am excited to begin learning and using my talents and knowledge to help my students become the best versions of themselves.

In my free time I love to read.  

Here are 6 of my recently read books:

Book 1 book 2 book 3 book 4       book 5      book 6

My Teaching Style

 Teaching has always been a passion of mine. I can proudly say that my passion only grows with every school year. I feel honored to serve the children that I do and value being part of their life. Being present, exciting, and intentional are important to me as an educator. My experiences educating thus far have been enlightening as to what my purpose is and what I have to offer to the world. My teaching philosophy is centered around ethics. I want to encourage kindness, equality, compassion, and teamwork. My goal is to help children learn at a young age to love themselves, discover their passions, express their unique creativity, and create a lasting desire of learning.