•    Ms. Barb
    Name: Barbara Buckner
    Email: barbara.buckner@slps.org
    Room Number(s): 143
    Building Phone: (314) 241-0993
    Teacher Message: 
    So excited to be starting another year at Gateway Michael School. Can't wait for our new 3 year olds to join the class and explore their knowledge and develop their skills. My goals with our students are socialization and independence while exploring pre academics. We have a  great PreK team and look forward to you being a part of our Gateway Michael family!
     I have been an early childhood teacher at Gateway Michael School for over 20 years. My background is in Communication Disorders and I first came to Michael School as a Speech Pathologist. I fell in love with the school and this population of students and became certified
    as an early childhood  special educator. I have been here ever since. 
    A little about me:
    I am a parent of 2  adult daughters, Madison and Mackenzie. Madison lives with me and works in the retail industry and Mackenzie lives in Nashville, TN, but is planning to return home while she pursues her MBA. Rounding out my family are my 2 big crazy dogs, Aussie and Raven.