- Meramec Elementary School
- Meet the Teacher
Hearty, S. (PreK)
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Name: Stacy HeartyEmail: stacy.hearty@slps.orgRoom Number(s):101Subject(s):KindergartenBuilding Phone:314-353-7145Available Hours- 1:45-2:25Please contact me via Teams, Class Dojo,or email. Most of you have my number to texttoo, if needed.Teacher Message:WELCOME and thanks for sharing your precious child with me. I am so excited to spend my days with your scholars. Any time you look in our classroom, you will see scholars engaged in their learning. We will be working on important and meaningful lessons in partners, small groups, independently, and as a whole group. You will witness me meeting students at their level. I believe that all scholars have the ability to show growth if you meet them where they are; not where they are expected to be. I can not wait to see your child succeed!Biography:I studied at Mckendree University and received my B.S. in Elementary Education. This year will be my sixth year teaching kindergarten at Meramec Elementary. I have 3 girls that occupy most of my time. When I am not in the classroom, you can find me enjoying a good book or spending time with my family.