Phone: 314-643-8813


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Arts in Education from Lindenwood University Masters of Arts in School Counseling from Lindenwood University.

Mrs. Crystal Gregory

Welcome to Patrick Henry Downtown Academy 2021/2022 school year!
I am excited to work with the students and families of Patrick Henry Downtown Academy. This is my first year here at Patrick Henry as your school Counselor, my 2nd year as a Professional School Counselor. As a school counselor, my role is to make sure students know that they matter. I believe everyone has the potential to recognize their importance in our society. My sole reason for choosing this career is to bring out the potential in others to be a better individual or student, which is the central focus in the field of counseling. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Lindenwood University and a Master’s degree in School Counseling from the same university.

I have an extreme passion for working with my students, parents, and our community. I enjoy spending quality time with my husband and children, 2 daughters and 1 son, traveling, dining out with close friends and family. I am excited to be at Patrick Henry and I’m looking forward to a great 2021-2022 school year!



What makes up the comprehensive program and how will the counselor at Patrick Henry Downtown Academy spend their day?

School Guidance Curriculum provides instructional support for the development of skills that are based on specific recognized content. Students are taught skills related to the development of healthy personal characteristics, values, and attitudes deemed important for healthy productive living. Some topics that will be addressed are conflict resolution, friendships, and bullying. 

Individual Student Planning is a process that includes activities to assist students and their parents or guardians in planning, monitoring, and managing the student’s learning as well as their personal, decision making and educational goals. 

Responsive Services meet the immediate concerns and needs of individuals, small groups, crises and referrals. Counseling sessions usually deal with a prevention focus such as students dealing with low self-esteem, grief, divorced parents, abuse etc. 

System Support focuses on program development, implementation, assessment and management which connects the guidance program to parents, faculty, administrators and the community to support school improvement and student achievement.


CONFIDENTIALITY GUIDELINES:  Counselors will inform individual students of the purposes, goals, techniques and rules of procedure under which they may receive counseling CONFIDENTIALITY is an ethical concept which states that what is said between the counselor and the student will remain a secret and will not be shared without consent. . The ASCA Ethical Standards state that counselors should keep information confidential unless disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to the student or others when legal requirements demand that confidential information be revealed. The Ethical standards also state that while the counselor's primary obligation for confidentiality is to the student, the counselor should "balance that obligation with an understanding of the legal and inherent rights of parents/guardians to be the guiding voice in their children's lives." Counselors are advised to explain the limits of confidentiality to all students so they do not feel betrayed if confidentiality must be broken.


Reporting child abuse is everyone's responsibility.

Any person may report suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation

Hotline Numbers

  • 1-800-392-3738

The Children’s Division Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline is a toll-free telephone line which is answered seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 


The BHR Youth Connection Helplines provide 24/7 crisis intervention including mobile outreaches to home and/or community agencies to provide emotional support, referral information and linkage of services for children, youth and their families in the St. Louis County and St. Louis City



BHR Youth Connection Helpline

CALL: (314) 819-8802 or
Toll Free 1 (844) 985-8282




Mental Health Resources

Other Resources Available

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) 

Parents: Please update your contact information by clicking here for a Patrick Henry Parent Survey.