• How to Access Microsoft Teams

    (Video tutorial on Yeatman's Homepate)


    1. Log onto the internet.

    2. Go to Microaoft Teams.  Microsoft Teams

    3. Sign In

    4. Enter your slps computer log in /Username  (k.student1234@slps.org).

    5. Enter your Password.  

    6. The teams you are assigned to should automatically be there for your use.

    7. Make sure your Parents/Gaurdians are aware that you are using this platform.

    8. Be respectful when using this site/ no profanity or inappropriate speech.  

    9. When video chating with me, make sure a parent is near and aware of the conversation.

    10. Know that what you post can be seen by me, Ms. Thompson,  Mrs. Bateman and Mr. Griffin and your classmates. 

    11.  Submit ALL assignments to the best of your ability and ON TIME. 

    12. If you have any questions or problems about logging into TEAMS please email me, or Mr.Pense through his webpage.  Jason.Pense@slps.org

    13. If you don't know or remember your email/account number/password/username, please email me and  Iwill send it to you through that platform.

    14. If you can not access TEAMS, please utilize this website for your assignments and scan your assignments into a computer and save the document and email me your work.

    15.  If the Microsoft Teams links on this page do not work, please let me know asap.


                                                              How to Submit Assignments in Teams

    1. Click the assignment to be completed
    2. Click edit in the browser
    3. Complete your assignment, be sure to click the SAVE button
    4. When finished, click CLOSE
    5. Click TURN IN, located on the upper right corner


    Mr. Pense has a link on our Yeatman Homepage where the district has prepared a tutorial for you to access TEAMS if you still need assistance with navigating the TEAMS website.

    Microsoft Teams

