• Marie K. ThompsonThompson

    Grade/Subject Taught:   6th Grade Social Studies/ Ancient Civilizations/6th Grade Team Leader

    Room Number:  208

    I was born and raised in St. Louis MO.   I am a proud product of St. Louis Public Schools.  I am also a proud alumni member of Yeatman Middle School.   I attended Beaumont High School.   I graduated from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville with a Bachelor’s of Science in Mass Communications Television/Radio with a minor in Black American Studies.  I also have my Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from the University of Missouri St.Louis.  I am certified to teach 5th-9th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies.

    Cogito Ergo Sum!  (I Think; Therefore I Exist!)


    Hello Students and Parents! 

    Welcome to 6th Grade at Yeatman-Liddell College Preparatory Middle School! I am excited to meet you all in person on the 23rd of August.  The beginning of this year is like no other. However, I'm confident that we will successfully navigate teachig and learning through a pandemic together.   Yes, my expectations are high for you in my class. But, there is no doubt in my mind that you will meet my expectations, many of you will exceed my expectations!  Your education is important to me. We will actively be about the business of teaching and learning in my classroom.  

    Attendance in class will be of the utmost priority. You must  attend class everyday on time. Being RESPECTFUL to yourself, your classmates and ALL your teachers is not an option.  Also, by using your school email address and password, you can find assignments on Microsoft Teams as well.  If you don't remember your email address,username or password,  please have your parent email me and I will forward it to you in that way.  Please be safe during this time. This Too Shall Pass! If we all maintain proper "social distancing" mandates, the safer we will all be while we are in person learning,      

    I encourage you to READ for pleasure as much as possible!  I will issue extra credit to those of you who READ! Your life is VALUABLE, please "wear your mask" at all times while at school and on the bus. 

      Ms. Thompson


    Please email me at Marie.Thompson@slps.org 

    Contact time : 1:55 p.m. - 3:12 p.m.  314-261-8132






    Useful Websites:

    CNN10.com       Keep up with the latest news!

    icivics.com            US History Games

    brainly.com    Assignment/Homework Help

    USHistory.org (Ancient Civilizations)    Assignment/Homework Help

    simCEO.org       Economic Simulation

    http://past present.muzzylane.com/       Online History Game

    msn.com  NewsWare Arcade    Current Affairs

    History.com   Assignment/Homework Help

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