Kindergarten Readiness Expectation  

      Social and Emotional Development/ Approaches to Learning  
      • Follows rules and simple directions
      • Describes situations which can elicit various emotions (e.g. tells a story that is supposed to make listener sad)
      • Provides individual and choral/group responses when appropriate (listens to a story and repeats a line with the group)
      • Engages in constructive play (e.g. builds with blocks, makes a snake out of clay)
      • Show curiosity
      • Uses problem-solving skills


      • Uses simple pronouns (I, you, we)
      • Uses 300 + words
      • Asks: who, why, and where questions
      • Asks for desired objects or assistance
      • Answers simple questions dealing with familiar objects or events
      • Uses most parts of speech in short, mostly correct sentences, combining four to five words
      • Identifies favorite story(s)
      • Makes relevant comments when a familiar story is being read
      • Recognizes some letters in print
      • Recites known nursery rhymes
      • Holds a book and looks at one page at a time
      • Acts out main events of a familiar story
      • Uses pictures to tell and retell a story
      • Understands that letters are combined to make words
      • Writes or draws with separated scribbles, shapes, pictures to convey a story
      • Understands that drawings can represent ideas, stories, or events.
      • Identifies own name in print. 
      • Makes observations and communicates findings with others
      • Acquires and uses basic vocabulary for plants, animals, and humans
      • Understands that living things need air, water, and food
      • Acts on objects to observe and produce effects
      • Observes, explores and acquire knowledge of the physical world, Life Science, and Earth and Space
      • Recognizes whole/part concept with objects (e.g. pizza slices)
      • Describes the sequence of daily events
      • Recognizes, describes, compares, and names common objects by one or more attribute.
      • Counts to 10 or beyond
      • Identifies basic colors
      • Recognizes some basic shapes 
      Physical Development/Health and Safety
      Run, Jump, March
      • Walk a straight line
      • Alternate feet walking downstairs
      • Balances on one foot
      • Steers wheeled toys
      • Kicks a large ball
      • Cuts out simple shapes
      • Eats with a fork and/or spoon
      • Completes simple puzzles 5 pieces
      • Takes care of own toileting needs
      • Brushes teeth
      • Dresses self