

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Roxana Jones

Greetings Laclede Families,

Welcome back to the 2020-2021 school year! I hope you and your family are well and managing during these challenging times. My name is Ms. Roxana Jones and I am the Family and Community Specialist (FCS). As you know, we are engaging in Virtual Learning beginning August 31, 2020.


Until further notice, all Title I Information Meetings, Workshops, Monthly Parent Meetings, and PTO will take place virtually via Zoom and/or Microsoft Teams to ensure safety. Be sure to provide updated telephone numbers, email addresses, and home addresses so that you can be reached for updated information during this fluid situation.

My goals for the year are to increase Parental Involvement, ensure that our families are knowledgeable of Federal, State, District, and School policies, collaborate with community stakeholders to generate resources for our school, and provide resources to our families to ensure that our students have the ability to learn and thrive in a safe environment.

Education is an investment, and research has shown that parents and guardians who are engaged in their child’s education will perform better both academically and socially. Being involved is a great way to keep up with what is happening at the school, networking with other parents, and sharing your thoughts and ideas on decisions that affect your child. At Laclede JCA, failure is not an option; it is a nagging reality that will keep us focused to reach the top. With that being said, we are going to need your help to provide and excellent Virtual education for your child.


Roxana Jones
Family and Community Specialist