• Link to our class Team.

      Virtual Schedule

      8:55-9:20- Get ready for the day/Teacher Office Hours

      9:20-9:50- Synchronous Math

      9:50-10:20- Asynchronous Math

      10:20-10:25- Technology Break

      10:25-11:25- Related Arts. Related Arts virtual meetings will take place in our class Team.

      11:25-12:10- Lunch

      12:10- 12:30- Asynchronous Silent Reading

      12:30-1:15- Synchronous ELA

      1:15-2:00- Asynchronous ELA

      2:00-2:20- Technology Break

      2:20-2:50- Synchronous Snack time- Teacher Read Aloud 

      2:50-3:15- Synchronous Science/Social Studies

      3:15-3:45- Asynchronous Science/Social Studies

      3:45- Synchronous End of Day Wrap Up

      Class Expectations

      Students must keep their cameras on at all times during synchronous learning

      Students must keep their microphones muted during synchronous learning

      Students must click 'raise hand' if they want to talk during synchronous learning

      Students must stay engaged and active during synchronous learning

      Links to Textbooks

      Related Arts virtual meetings will take place in our class Team.

      Email felishia.mccowan@slps.org