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    Masters of Education MED 

    Masters of Gifted Education

    STEM Teaching Graduate Certification 

    Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

    Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

    Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

    Certification of Elementary Education, 1-6




Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Sellers

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Let's have a great year!

If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. There are no dumb questions.



  • " I have not failed. I've found 10,000 ways that won't work."

    - Thomas Edison

  • Hello, my name is Mr. Sellers and it is my fifth year at Betty Wheeler Classical Junior Academy. I am excited about this year and getting to know my new students. We will work as a team to help improve every single one of us. 

Mr. Sellers Fourth Grade Classroom
  • Favorites:

    Sport: Hockey

    Food: Biscuits and Gravy

    Book: Old Man and the Sea

    Author: Hemingway

    Poet: Langston Hughes

    Fast Food: Lion's Choice

    Restaurant: Salt n Smoke

    Band: Metallica

    Song: The Chain