• Mrs. Mc Daniel
    Name: Yvonne McDaniel
    Email: yvonne.mcdaniel@slps.org
    Room Number(s):
    Subject(s): Special Education Cross Categorical
    Graduation Coach
    Building Phone: 314-531-2220
    Office Hours: Monday-Friday
                             2-3 p.m.
    Teacher Message:

                                Welcome Students to the 2021-22 School Year!

    My wish for you is that you see the light in this world, in yourself, and others. I see the light in you. Compliment others, and be proud of your accomplishments. Believe in yourself because you are stronger than you know. I believe in you. Try hard, but know your limits. Ask if you need help, and trust others will help you. I will help you. Fill your heart with knowledge. You are unique, special, and brilliant. There will never be another you. Dream, believe, wonder, inspire, love, nurture, and always listen. Finally, remember knowledge is power; it liberates us. Knowledge sets us free and makes us less dependent on others. Freedom is essential for real power. Of course, being truly free means that we do not use our ability to control other people against their will. Actual knowledge commands more respect than mere empty authority within a hierarchy ever could. If we know, we can direct others’ decisions and help them to enhance their lives. Knowing a relevant subject imbues us with authority. No matter who we are or how old we are, if we have knowledge that is useful to other people, those people will respect us. Possessing knowledge can give us a feeling of self-fulfillment and confidence. Education is something that – no matter how many trials we come across in our life – we can always fall back on. When we find ourselves facing hardships in life, knowledge can enable us to find a solution to the issue that boosts our self-esteem even further. What could be more of a confidence boost than knowing that we used our skills and knowledge to surmount one of life’s challenges the process of seeking and finding knowledge teaches us to have a positive attitude about life. It teaches us to be motivated, determined, and engaged with the world in which we live.



                                   EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATOR * FRESH START @SUMNER

     Yvonne McDaniel knows that successful students become successful adults. It's her 11th year at Fresh Start Academy @ Sumner and her 23rd year teaching. So far, an alternative educational setting has been her favorite place to teach! Mrs. McDaniel has earned a B.S. in Education from Harris Stowe State University, a Masters in Special Education, & Cross Categorical Certification (K-12) from Fontbonne University. She loves teaching students with disabilities and is excited to begin the 2021-22 school year! She can be contacted via email at yvonnemcdaniel@slps.org.