• What is Title 1?

    Title 1 is the largest federally funded program for our nation's schools. The program provides extra help for identified students to improve their achievement in basic and more advanced skills.  An economic survey based on free and reduced lunches was made in all schools in Saint Louis Public School District. Eligible schools receive funds based on these numbers. Once a school qualifies, attention is then given to educational aspects and the numbers of students needing assistance.


    How Does the Title 1 Program Help?  

    The objective of Title 1 is to assist students with becoming more effective and efficient learners. Title 1 teachers collaboratively plan and teach with the classroom teacher using varied methods and materials in the classroom at the appropriate level of instruction for student success. All students receive individual attention and encouragement and are recognized for their accomplishments. Curriculum is accelerated, not remediated.


    Parents Can Help

    At Home

    • Read to your child
    • Listen to your child read
    • Review school papers together
    • Display child’s work
    • Provide a quiet place to study
    • Praise your child for a job well done
    • Listen and talk to each other


    At School

    • Visit your child’s class and Title 1 room
    • Attend parent-teacher conferences
    • Ask the teacher what you can do at home to help
    • Attend parent meetings and workshops
    • Call the teacher or principal whenever you have questions