

Degrees and Certifications:

Certified in Art Education K-12 Bachelor of Science in Education

Miss Anna Wenger

 Ms. Anna Wenger 

Plan/Office Hours: Mon-Fri (10:10-11:00 AM)



                                                                                                              About Me

My name is Ms. Anna Wenger, and I am excited and delighted to work with all the young artists at Oak Hill Elementary School.  This school year will be my 10th year as the art teacher at Oak Hill Elementary. I enjoy working with all the students and getting the opportunity to see students grow and learn through the use of art and imagination from year to year.

Getting to experience digital art platforms was so fun in the pat few years, and digital art will still be implemented at given times in art class.  During art class, students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of media and styles including: painting, printmaking, scultping, drawing, and many more!

In art, students will practice and build skills by creating, responding to, presenting and connecting with a variety of artworks and styles.  Students may also get the opportunity to work on and be showcased in different art contests/shows throughout the year.