- Oak Hill Elementary School
- Welcome
Welcome to Oak Hill!
I am so pleased that your child will be part of our class this year.Below are some answers to questions that parents have often asked me:
How will you communicate with me?We will communicate as a whole group for our class and school via ClassDojo. This is where you will find information about all upcoming events, pictures, etc. This is a free app. Information for connecting to your child’s class will be sent to you via the cell phone and/or email address that you provide upon registration. If at any time your cell phone number should change, please notify your child’s teacher immediately so that we can update it.
Student assignments, grades and feedback will be communicated via another app called TEAMS. Your child will be assigned to various Teams besides their main classroom. Information on how to use Teams can be found on https://mo01001157.schoolwires.net/oakhill.
What supplies do I need for home?
Your child may need some supplies at HOME to do their homework.
- Crayons
- Pencils
- Notebook
- Folder for organizing
Our Class Rules: * Be Respectful, *Be Responsible, *Be Safe and *Use Self control
When my child is sick, whom should I call?
Please leave a message with Mrs. Johnson, the secretary at 314-481-0420.PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL IF THEY DO NOT FEEL WELL
Additional Information
- Sign up for the parent/guardian newsletter, The District Digestsix s, by emailing signup@slps.org.
- Monitor www.slps.org, our hub for information.
- Follow us on social media:
- Facebook: stlpublicschools
- Instagram: slps_info
- Twitter: slps_info
- If you are experiencing technical difficulty with your device, please contact techhelp@slps.org or call the Help Desk at 315-345-5757.
Mrs. Castiaux – Rm# 111
You may reach me at: cheryl.castiaux@slps.org or Classdojo.com