• Principal Folarin

    Email: Oluyemisi.Folarin@slps.org

    Phone: 314-385-2212

  • Welcome to Herzog Academy Principal's Corner

    Dear Herzog Elementary Families,

    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am privileged to continue serving as your principal and I feel truly honored to work alongside our dedicated staff, wonderful students, and supportive parents.

    We eagerly anticipate seeing each student come to school every day, ready to learn and grow. We are committed to supporting your child's academic and social achievements, aiming to create an engaging learning environment that fosters both intellectual and emotional growth. We are also committed to maintaining high academic standards through instructional excellence. Our dedicated teachers provide individualized support to meet the diverse needs of each student, ensuring every child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.  Our goal is to develop compassionate students who thrive.

    You play a key role in the academic success of our students, and strong communication between school and home is crucial . As the leader of Herzog Academy, I firmly believe that every child can learn and achieve the highest level of academic success with proper preparation and support.

    To ensure a successful school year, please consider the following:

    • Make prompt attendance a priority because instruction begins at 8:30am.
    • Provide a supportive environment for reading and practicing math fluency.
    • Reinforce with your child an attitude of responsibility for learning and respect for themselves, the school, staff, and other students.
    • Provide updated contact information


    At Herzog Academy, we uphold our R.O.A.R. Expectations:

    • Respect Yourself & Others: Teaching respect for oneself and others.
    • Own Your Own Choices: Encouraging responsibility for actions.
    • Act Safely: Prioritizing safety in all aspects of school life.
    • Ready to Learn: Preparing students to be active and engaged learners.

    We are dedicated to creating a school community where your voices are heard, your concerns are addressed, and your contributions are valued. We want every family to feel a connection to our school. By working together, we can provide the best possible educational experience for our students.


    Dr. Oluyemisi Folarin
