

Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Felicia Miller


Dear Adams Elementary Families, 

I want to extend a warm welcome to all of you for the 2024-2025 school year! It's an honor to continue serving as your principal, and I'm thrilled to work alongside our dedicated staff, wonderful students, and supportive parents.

The elementary years are crucial for the development of our students and families, and I'm eager to collaborate with you to ensure a successful school year. Our aim is to support your child's academic and social development. We are committed to creating a stimulating learning environment for each student, and we value your support and cooperation. Your involvement is essential for the academic success of our students, so open communication between school and parents is vital.

As the leader of our Adams family, I firmly believe that every child can achieve academic success with the right preparation and support. In order to make this school year a success, please observe the following guidelines:

·               * Ensure your child arrives promptly for school – breakfast is served at 7:30 am, and classes start at 8:20 am.

·               * Create a supportive environment for homework and encourage consistent habits.

·               * Set aside time for daily reading and practice of basic math skills.

·               * Emphasize the importance of responsibility, self-respect, and respect for others, the school, and the staff.

·               * Submit all required forms and documents to the school in a timely manner.

Our educational program will be much more effective with your active participation. Encourage your children to be punctual, well-behaved, in uniform, equipped with the necessary materials, and ready to learn. We, in turn, will prepare them to tackle future challenges. Together, let's make this an outstanding school year!



Felicia Miller, Ed.D.
