

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Elizabeth Allen


Hi! My name is Mrs. Allen and I am very excited to be your Third Grade Teacher. I am thrilled for this opportunity, and I am looking forward to a year of reading, fun, and learning. I cannot wait to learn all about you but first let me tell you a little about me.

I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. I am married with a son (11 years old) and a daughter (7 years old). I have 16 years of teaching experience. My hobbies are reading and going for walks with my children. I love teaching students.

I think it is very important to work together in the classroom. It is important that we treat everyone with respect, kindness, and compassion. This school year is going to look a little differently but if we work together, I know that we can accomplish everything.


Last Modified on August 30, 2024