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    Name: Aaron Streid
    Email: aaron.streid@slps.org
    Subject: Physical Education
    Room: Gym
    My name is Aaron Streid and I am the physical education teacher at Adams Elementary school. This will be my 10th year teaching at Adams and I am very excited to have your student in my class! 
     I earned my Bachelors of Science in Physical Education from McKendree Universtiy in 2012. As a very active person I have a strong passion for life long fitness and building relationships with peers through a variety of physical education activities.


    My mission is to not only get students active on a daily basis but to also stress the importance of lifelong fitness and nutrition through a safe, cooperative, and positive learning environment. Students in my class will have opportunities to enjoy many different types of physical activities and to learn and master new skills. 

    I am looking forward to a great year!! If you ever need to contact me feel free to use the information above.