

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Julie Selig

Hello! My name is Julie Selig and I am thrilled to be your student's first grade teacher this year. This year will be my seventh year teaching and my fifth year teaching 1st grade. It is my favorite grade to teach because they grow so much. It is my third year at Dewey! Honoring all cultures and teaching students to be global citizens is something that is very important to me as an educator.

Check out the other tabs for ways to get in touch, supplies, and helpful links!

A little about me...

I was born and raised in Arkansas and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of Arkansas. Go Hogs!

Arkansas Razorback Roundel Mat - The Stadium Shoppe On Razorback

- I have a crazy (but cute) little 5lb dog that I love to talk about! 

- I have always loved to read and try to share that love with my students.

- I come from a family of educators and have always wanted to be a teacher.

- I am taking graduate classes through UMSL to earn a Special Reading Certification and working towards a Masters in Reading. 

Last Modified on July 28, 2023