• piip
     Mission Statement:

    The Parent/Infant Interaction Program (PIIP) is committed to providing support and quality educational activities that maximize each student/parent’s potential for earning a high school diploma and becoming a responsible, contributing citizen of our society.


    The program staff and a variety of community volunteers work together to provide information that will help each student/parent establish or reaffirm a pattern of personal growth and development that will continue after high school graduation. Thus, the program is directed toward meeting the educational, vocational, physical, social and emotional needs of all prenatal females and male and female parenting students participating in PIIP.


    The PIIP's primary goal is to provide support and educational services for these adolescent students and their families. This goal is accomplished through the successful administration of its seven components. Each component provides a specific focus designed to address the variety of needs of this student population. The six components are:

    • CRIB Early Childhood Center
    • Male Involvement Component (MIC)
    • PIIP Tracking System 
    • Prenatal Literacy and Adolescent Nurturing (PLAN)
    • Project CORE (Challenging Opportunities, Resources Experiences)
    • Project Redirection

    To be eligible to participate in any of the PIIP programs you must be prenatal or parenting teen (male or female) with a child 0 to five years old.